Zayn – Mind Of Mine

I started my weekend with a killer migraine but still managed to pluck this cd off the shelf and throw it in my stereo… A pleasant surprise, I didn’t think I’d like it as much as I do.  

With my eye pillow, heating pad, and grammyesque quilts in a dark room, I laid down to some smooth grooves… Zayn will prob make it into the rotation on a weekly basis. It’s a slow sultry listen… At times I forget that a former boy band member is singing but I won’t hold that against him. 

I personally think the best tracks are in the middle starting with ‘rear view’, ‘wrong’ feat Kehlani, and ‘fool for you’… But I liked the cd so much that I listened to it twice before dozing off.

Sadly no art… Just Ibuprofen, lavender eye pillow, dry heat, and the sound of Zayns voice lulling me to sweet dreams.